November is dedicated to the departed souls. We will pray for all departed souls during the month of November. The forms for the candle sponsorship can be found in the church's Narthex
Our Pastor, Fr Vimal, is the August guest speaker for Theology Uncorked in Humbolt TN! All are invited to attend to listen to him talk about 'God Works in Mysterious Ways'. Food and wine are available! It starts at 6:30pm
Father Vimal to celebrate Mass at St Elizabeth Ann Seton with his new flock Sunday, August 6. The parishioners are looking forward to walking with him for the next several years.
Fr. Joseph has been reassigned to another Parish in Lebanon, Tn. Please pray for him. He will be greatly missed. His last mass with us will be celebrated with us Sunday, June 25 Let us welcome Fr. Vimal Backiyaraj who will be our new Priest. He comes from the Passionist Community in Louisville, Kentucky
A big shout out to all who donated items for the Fall basket, We are so grateful to everyone once again! We collected 534.00 for the basket and candy bars!
Father Zachaeus Kirangu is released from the office of Pastor of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church in Tennessee Ridge. He remains the Pastor of St. Patrick Church in McEwen. Father Kirangu was ordained in 2003 in his native Kenya. In the Diocese of Nashville, he also has served at St. Philip the Apostle Church in Franklin and as Chaplain of the Serra Club of Williamson County. Father Joseph Mundakal, CMI, is appointed Pastor of St. Francis of Assisi Church in Dover and St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church in Tennessee Ridge, for a term of six years. Father Mundakal has been serving as the Administrator of St. Francis of Assisi Church for the last year. Father Mundakal was ordained as a priest of the Carmelites of Mary Immaculate in 1983 in his native India. He previously served as Associate Pastor of St. Joseph Church in Madison and Pastor of Sacred Heart Church in Lawrenceburg, Sacred Heart Church in Loretto and St. Joseph Church in St. Joseph. He also has served at parishes in Joliet and Wheaton, Illinois.
Over the past year it has come to our attention that we should have an emergency number for each family, especially the persons living alone. Please email [] or give the name to Valerie. This number will not be given out and will only be used to contact that person in an event of an emergency.
Sid Vinson won the Grill combo and Who Dat gift certificate. Kennedy Perry won the Titans bundle. Sandy Long won the Yeti cooler set. Congratulations to all! Photos coming soon!
"How shall the Catholic church walk forward in communion, participation, and mission?" You are invited to participate in a worldwide online survey at We greatly appreciate your contribution!
Our parish is embarking on a new journey. Over the next year or so, we will be Reaching for Reverence. During this time, we seek to deepen our understanding of the Real Presence of Jesus, body and blood, soul and divinity, in the Holy Eucharist. With an increased understanding, our reverence for this holy sacrament will naturally grow. We will do this in a variety of ways that will unfold over the months to come. The Reaching for Reverence movement will culminate in a Eucharistic Congress held at our parish in the Spring of 2023. More details to come!
The day was filled celebration! Mass was celebrated with people from all over the diocese. We had parishioners from St Phillip, Immaculate Conception, St Francis, St Patrick's and of course, St Elizabeth Ann Seton. The Mass was a very special celebration to Joss Rye as he received his First Confession during Mass. After Mass Fr Zack blessed the graves in our cemetery as they are a part of this glorious day. Then we all gathered in the back yard, and together, we heard the history of our little cozy country church. We listened to where we are now as a parish and lastly we focused on our vision for the future! Tables were filled with an abundant amount of delicious food! Corn Hole, sidewalk chalk and bubbles, pickers corner were among the many activities available to all. But most of all, friendships were made and renewed!
Father Zack, our recently appointed pastor, was installed at a Mass celebrated at St Patrick’s Church with Bishop Spalding Saturday, July 27. Congratulations Father Zack.
The Diocese of Nashville has a new Catechist Certification Program, “My Catholic Faith Delivered.” The program gives our catechists the knowledge and confidence to teach our faith to others. A team of certified catechists can transform our classes! The program can be completed online, live at the catholic Pastoral Center, a combination of both. There is a fee for each class with the total for each finished certified catechist being $120.00. Since each catechist is a volunteer who generously devotes their time to prepare and teach our students, it would be great if their classes were paid for by the parish. To help keep costs down we are asking for your help. If you would like to help the Catechists deepen their knowledge of our faith, please give your donation to Valerie or put your donation in an envelope marked, ‘ certification.’ This donation is tax deductible. To be certified, a catechist is expected to complete the following; 35 hrs. of training, the training consist of 8 courses [4 to 5 hours awarded for each course], 20 independent hours such as lectures, workshops etc., has verification of compliance for diocesan requirements for the Child protection Policy, and a background check. After they are certified, they are required to keep their certification current. This involves them completing 6 hours each year for a total of 18 hours in three years. [ renewal is every three years] To accomplish this, they are given options such as ongoing faith formation classes also offered by the catechist certification program, conferences, lectures, etc. This new program is also open to all adults who would like to learn more about their faith. If you would like to take one of the classes it is 15.00 per class or join us this summer when we view it together as a group then its free! [ if you are not wanting to be certified] For a list of topics, check with Valerie. Some of the topics include, Liturgy and Sacraments I & II, Creed I and II, Life in Christ, Theology of the body for adults, etc.
May 20, 2019 Bishop J. Mark Spalding has announced priest assignments effective July 1. Father Zack Kirangu has been named pastor of St. Patrick and St. Elizabeth Ann Seton for a period of six years!
Father Zack Kirangu appointed chaplain of Williamson County Serra Club chapter. January 4, 2019 Father Zack Kirangu attended his first meeting as chaplain of the Serra Club in Williamson County on Thursday, January 3. Don Stacy, president of the chapter, read a letter from Bishop Mark Spalding announcing Father Zack's appointment. The Serra Club is a named after the Franciscan Missionary, Junipero Serra, the founder of many of the California Missions. It was founded in 1935 in Seattle by a small group of Catholic laymen who saw the need to foster vocations to religious life, both by recruiting vocations and by supporting those religious in their active careers. The Williamson County chapter was established 13 years ago and has become very successful, raising over $300,000 in 2018 to support vocations.